Sister Ivy
Surrealistic Soul-fusion
what it is
Sister Ivy is the voice of the vine that weaves in and out of roots and open air, mixes with the weeds, and climbs to lofty vistas on the limbs of grand trees. A quizzical poet with a voice brimming with turbulent emotion and heartfelt presence, she moves to join the juxtaposed, not only lyrically, but musically, with careful dissonance and timely resolve, blending the mundane with the magical, providing unexpected nourishment and plenty of food for thought.
Sister Ivy fuses Neo-soul, Jazz, R&B, and Rock elements to carry poetic musings to the listener’s ear on a groove-able sonic vehicle with influences spanning from Erykah Badu and Hiatus Kaiyote to Radiohead and Pink Floyd. Lyrical content spans a wide spectrum with emotional states ranging from sweet infatuation to righteous anger; regarding topics spanning from entomological curiosity to suspicions of an impending apocalypse.
And there are love songs.
Support our next album!!
We are fundraising for our second ever studio album, "be your own hero," through indiegogo. Click the link below to find out how you can support us!
Sepia Sun
Also, check us on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Pandora, Tidal, Deezer, Napster and etc.
bits of buzz
"Rachel Waterhouse's voice is a deeply expressive and versatile instrument, and the band's instrumental prowess is nothing short of impressive and soulful"
-Bill Kopp, Mountain Xpress
"At any given moment, the Asheville, North carollina trio, Sister Ivy, can be an entirely different band from the one they were a moment before. Led by singer'keyboardist, Rachel Waterhouse, the band can delve into elastic soul'jazz, singer/songwriter intimacy, or jam-based style experimentation, but it's always captivating music, regardless."
-Vincent Harris, Greenville Journal
"This meeting of old and new, combined with Sister Ivy's precision and excellent songsmithing, should make this particularly appealing to the more intelligent listener"
-Caleb Calhoun, Ashvegas
social media
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Site by Sea Sharp